100 Questions in Hindi Indian Constitution, Law & Government Administration | Hindi - SSC NOTES PDF
100 Questions in Hindi Indian Constitution Law & Government Administration Hindi

100 Questions in Hindi Indian Constitution, Law & Government Administration | Hindi

Indian Constitution Related Important Questions Answers (Hindi and English)  : Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all questions at any sitting of either House or joint sitting of the Houses shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting, other than the Speaker or person acting as Chairman or Speaker.

Indian Constitution Related Important Questions Answers (Hindi and English)

No.-1.  संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद द्वारा सिखों द्वारा वमपाण धारण करना धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता का अंग माना जाता है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 25 द्वारा ।

No.-2.  लोकसभा सचिवालय किसके अधीन कार्य करता है?

उत्तर:- लोकसभाध्यक्ष के ।

No.-3.  महाधिवक्ता की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राज्यपाल ।

No.-4. 73वां संविधान संशोधन किससे संबंधित है?

उत्तर:- पंचायती राज से ।

No.-5.  राज्य विधानमंडल के सत्र को कौन आहूत तथा स्थगित करता है?

उत्तर:- राज्यपाल ।

No.-6.  नागरिकता के संबंध में संविधान के किस भाग में उल्लेख है?

उत्तर:- भाग-2 में ।

No.-7.  कहीं भी ‘निवास करने की स्वतंत्रता’ पर किस राज्य में प्रतिबन्ध है?

उत्तर:- जम्मू व कश्मीर ।

No.-8.  लोकसभा अध्यक्ष को अपना त्यागपत्र किसको संबोधित करता है?

उत्तर:- लोकसभा के उपाध्यक्ष को ।

No.-9.  समानता का अधिकार भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए सुनिश्चित करता है?

उत्तर:- सामाजिक, धार्मिक तथा राजनीतिक समानता ।

No.-10.  भारतीय संविधान के अनुसार ‘राजनीतिक शक्ति’ का क्या आधार है?

उत्तर:- भारत की जनता ।

No.-11.  संविधान सभा के प्रारूप समिति में कुल कितने सदस्य थे?

उत्तर:- सात ।

No.-12.  किस संविधान संशोधन के तहत संविधान की प्रस्तावना में संशोधन किया गया?

उत्तर:- 42वें संविधान संशोधन में ।

No.-13.  संविधान सभा के झंडा समिति के अध्यक्ष कौन थे?

उत्तर:- जे. बी. कृपलानी ।

No.-14.  पंचायती राज अधिनियम कब पारित किया गया?

उत्तर:- 2 सितम्बर, 1959 ई. ।

No.-15.  लोकसभा सदस्यों की अधिकतम सदस्य संख्या कितनी हो सकती है?

उत्तर:- 552.

No.-16.  भारत विभाजन किस योजना के तहत हुआ?

उत्तर:- माउंटबेटन योजना के तहत ।

No.-17.  संयुक्त संसदीय समिति में राज्यसभा के कितने सदस्य होते हैं?

उत्तर:- 15.

No.-18. संविधान सभा द्वारा कब संविधान को पारित कर दिया गया?

उत्तर:- 26 नवम्बर, 1949 को ।

No.-19.  राज्यसभा में किस राज्य के प्रतिनिधियों की संख्या सर्वाधिक है?

उत्तर:- उत्तर प्रदेश के ।

No.-20.  उच्च न्यायालय के अन्य न्यायाधीशों की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-21.  मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-22.  भारतीय रेल किस सूची का अवयव है?

उत्तर:- संघ सूची ।

No.-23.  संविधान की व्याख्या कौन करता है ?

उत्तर:- न्यायपालिका ।

No.-24.  आर्थिक नियोजन किस सूची में है?

उत्तर:- समवर्ती सूची ।

No.-25.  सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीशों के वेतन एवं भत्ते किस माध्यम से दिए जाते हैं?

उत्तर:- भारत के संचित निधि से ।

No.-26.  संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद के अनुसार महान्यावादी की व्यवस्था की गई है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 76.

No.-27.  सूचना का अधिकार कानून किस वर्ष लागू हुआ?

उत्तर:- 2005 में ।

No.-28.  राष्ट्रपति ने सर्वप्रथम अनु.-352 के अन्तर्गत संकटकालीन आपात की घोषणा किस वर्ष की थी?

उत्तर:- 1962 ई में ।

No.-29.  वह लोक सभा स्पीकर कौन थे, जो बाद में भारत के राष्ट्रपति हुए?

उत्तर:- नीलम संजीव रेड्डी ।

No.-30.  किस वायसराय के कार्यकाल में भारत में संविधान सभा का गठन हुआ?

उत्तर:- लॉर्ड वेवेल के ।

No.-31.  संसद की लोक लेखा समिति के अध्यक्ष का नाम कौन निर्देशित करता है?

उत्तर:- लोकसभा अध्यक्ष ।

No.-32.  कौन–सा आयोग मतदाता सूचियां तैयार करवाता है?

उत्तर:- निर्वाचन आयोग ।

No.-33.  किसी भी राज्य में अनुच्छेद 356 के अंतर्गत राष्टन्न्पति शासन अधिकतम कितनी अवधि के लिए लगाया जा सकता है?

उत्तर:- 3 वर्षों के लिए ।

No.-34.  राज्य सरकार का संवैधानिक प्रधान कौन होता है?

उत्तर:- राज्यपाल ।

No.-35.  जम्मू व कश्मीर ने अपना संविधान कब अंगीकार तथा लागू किया?

उत्तर:- 9 जनवरी, 1957 ई. ।

No.-36.  ‘लघु संविधान’ किस संविधान संशोधन को कहा जाता है?

उत्तर:- 42वें संविधान संशोधन ।

No.-37.  वर्ष 1938 में किस व्यक्ति ने वयस्क मताधिकार के आधार पर संविधान सभा के गठन की मांग की?

उत्तर:- जवाहरलाल नेहरू ।

No.-38.  भारत के प्रथम मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त कौन थे?

उत्तर:- सुकुमार सेन ।

No.-39.  भारत का सर्वोच्च सेनापति कौन होता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-40.  किस औद्योगिक नीति प्रस्ताव को भारत का आर्थिक संविधान भी कहते हैं?

उत्तर:- औद्योगिक नीति, 1956.

No.-41.  योजना आयोग के प्रथम उपाध्यक्ष कौन थे?

उत्तर:- गुजजारी लाल नंदा ।

No.-42.  जिस नगर की आबादी तीन लाख या उससे अधिक है वहाँ किस समिति का गठन किया गया है?

उत्तर:- वार्ड समिति ।

No.-43. भारतीय संविधान में न्यायिक पुनरीक्षण आधारित है?

उत्तर:- विधि की सम्यक प्रक्रिया पर ।

No.-44.  लोक सभा के निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों का परिसीमन कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- परिसीमन आयोग ।

No.-45.  भारत में संघ लोक सेवा आयोग की स्थापना का वर्णन किस अनुच्छेद में वर्णित है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 315.

No.-46.  किस अनुच्छेद में लोक नियोजन के विषय में अवसर की समता प्रदान की गई है?

उत्तर:- अनु. 16.

No.-47.  आपातकाल के कारण किस लोकसभा का कार्यकाल सर्वाधिक था?

उत्तर:- पांचवी लोकसभा का ।

No.-48.  अविश्वास प्रस्ताव पर परिचर्चा के लिए कौन तिथि तय करता है?

उत्तर:- लोकसभाध्यक्ष ।

No.-49.  42वें संविधान संशोधन द्वारा समवर्ती सूची में कौन–सा विषय जोड़ा गया?

उत्तर:- जनसंख्या नियंत्रण ।

No.-50.  संविधान के किस संशोधन के तहत मौलिक कर्तव्य को जोड़ा गया है?

उत्तर:- 42वें संविधान संशोधन द्वारा ।

No.-51.  संविधान के किन अनुच्छेदों में मौलिक अधिकार वर्णित हैं?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 12-35.

No.-52.  मुख्य सतर्कता आयुक्त की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-53.  राज्य सरकार का वास्तविक प्रधान कौन होता है?

उत्तर:- मुख्यमंत्री ।

No.-54.  राष्ट्रपति को किस विधि से हटाया जा सकता है?

उत्तर:- महाभियोग द्वारा ।

No.-55.  भारत के प्रथम कार्यवाहक प्रधानमंत्री कौन थे?

उत्तर:- गुलजारी लाल नंदा ।

No.-56. उच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीशों की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-57.  राजनीतिक दलों का पंजीकरण किसके द्वारा किया जाता है?

उत्तर:- निर्वाचन आयोग द्वारा ।

No.-58. नगरपालिका के विघटन के कितने माह के भीतर इसका चुनाव कराना अनिवार्य है?

उत्तर:- 6 माह ।

No.-59.  संविधान के अधिकांश अनुच्छेदों को संशोधित करने के लिए कौन–सी प्रक्रिया अपनाई जाती है?

उत्तर:- साधारण बहुमत ।

No.-60.  नगर प्रशासन का वर्णन संविधान के किस अनुसूची में है?

उत्तर:- बारहवीं अनुसूची में ।

No.-61.  राष्ट्रपति पद हेतु निर्वाचन के लिए न्यूनतम उम्र सीमा क्या है?

उत्तर:- 35 वर्ष ।

No.-62.  राष्ट्रपति पर महाभियोग की प्रक्रिया किस देश के संविधान से ली गई है?

उत्तर:- अमेरिका के संविधान ।

No.-63.  किस अनुच्छेद में राष्ट्रपति को अध्यादेश जारी करने की शक्ति प्राप्त है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद-123 में ।

No.-64.  संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में निर्वाचन आयोग/चुनाव आयोग वर्णित है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 324.

No.-65.  राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् कैसी इकाई है?

उत्तर:- संविधानेतर इकाई ।

No.-66.  राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग के अध्यक्ष की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राज्यपाल ।

No.-67.  प्रधानमंत्री की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-68.  संविधान की व्याख्या करने का अंतिम अधिकार किसे प्राप्त है?

उत्तर:- सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ।

No.-69.  स्वतंत्र भारत में कौन–सी महिला किसी राज्य की पहली महिला राज्यपाल थी?

उत्तर:- श्रीमती सरोजिनी नायडू ।

No.-70.  संसद में विपक्ष के नेता को आधिकारिक रूप से कैबिनेट मंत्री के रूप में किस वर्ष मान्यता प्रदान की गई?

उत्तर:- वर्ष 1977 ई. ।

No.-71.  संघ लोक सेवा आयोग के सदस्यों तथा अध्यक्ष की नियुक्ति कितने वर्षों के लिए होती है?

उत्तर:- 6 वर्षों के लिए ।

No.-72.  भारतीय संविधान का कौन–सा अंग समाजवादी व्यवस्था स्थापित करने की प्रेरणा देता है?

उत्तर:- राज्य के नीति निदेशक तत्व ।

No.-73.  संविधान लागू होने के समय कितने मौलिक अधिकार थे?

उत्तर:- सात ।

No.-74.  किन अनुच्छेदों में समानता का अधिकार वर्णित है?

उत्तर:- अनु. 14-18.

No.-75.  लोकसभा का विघटन कौन कर सकता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-76. मंत्रिमंडल की बैठक की अध्यक्षता कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- प्रधानमंत्री ।

No.-77.  राज्य की कार्यपालिका का प्रधान कौन होता है?

उत्तर:- राज्यपाल ।

No.-78.  संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में विधान सभा का गठन वर्णित है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 170 में ।

No.-79.  कौन संसद का सत्रावसान और संसद के सत्र को आहूत कर सकता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-80.  राजभाषा आयोग के प्रथम अध्यक्ष कौन थे?

उत्तर:- बी. जी. खेर ।

No.-81.  भारतीय संविधान किस न्यायालय में तदर्थ न्यायाधीश की नियुक्ति की व्यवस्था करता है?

उत्तर:- सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ।

No.-82.  संघ सूची, राज्य सूची एवं समवर्ती सूची का उल्लेख संविधान के किस अनुसूची में है?

उत्तर:- सातवीं अनुसूची में ।

No.-83.  कौन–सा न्यायालय एक अभिलेख न्यायालय भी है?

उत्तर:- सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ।

No.-84.  संघ की कार्यपालिका का वास्तविक प्रधान कौन होता है?

उत्तर:- प्रधानमंत्री ।

No.-85.  भारतीय संविधान में समवर्ती सूचि की अवधारणा कहां से ली गयी है?

उत्तर:- ऑस्ट्रेलिया से ।

No.-86.  किस अनुच्छेद में पंचायत के गठन का प्रावधान वर्णित है?

उत्तर:- अनुच्छेद 40.

No.-87.  संघ क्षेत्र का प्रशासन किसके द्वारा होता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति द्वारा ।

No.-88.  भारतीय संविधान की किस अनुसूची में राज्यों के नाम तथा उनके राज्य–क्षेत्रों का ब्यौरा दिया गया है?

उत्तर:- प्रथम अनुसूची में ।

No.-89.  किसे संघ लोक सेवा आयोग के सदस्यों की संख्या निर्धारित करने की शक्ति प्राप्त है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति को ।

No.-90.  संविधान में उल्लिखित मौलिक अधिकारों को कौन निलम्बित कर सकता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-91.  संविधान सभा ने किसे प्रारूप समिति का अध्यक्ष चुना?

उत्तर:- डॉ भीमराव अंबेडकर को ।

No.-92.  संविधान निर्माण में कितना समय लगा ?

उत्तर:- 2 वर्ष, 11 महीना, 18 दिन ।

No.-93.  वित्त आयोग के अध्यक्ष की नियुक्ति कौन करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

No.-94.  प्रथम वित्त आयोग का गठन कब किया गया था?

उत्तर:- भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा 1951 को ।

No.-95.  सामाजिक सुरक्षा एवं सामाजिक बीमा किस सूची में है?

उत्तर:- समवर्ती सूची ।

No.-96.  किस अनुच्छेद के तहत विधि के समक्ष समानता वर्णित है?

उत्तर:- अनु. 14.

No.-97.  कौन सबसे लम्बे समय भारत के राष्ट्रपति रहे?

उत्तर:- डॉ. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद ।

No.-98.  प्रधानमंत्री का कार्यकाल कितने वर्षों का होता है?

उत्तर:- 5 वर्षों का ।

No.-99.  भारत के प्रधानमंत्री पद के लिए उम्मीदवार बनने हेतु न्यूनतम उम्र सीमा क्या है?

उत्तर:- 25 वर्ष ।

No.-100.  प्रत्येक आम चुनाव के बाद लोकसभा के प्रथम सत्र एवं प्रत्येक वर्ष के प्रथम सत्र को कौन संबोधित करता है?

उत्तर:- राष्ट्रपति ।

Recommended Indian Constitution Questions

Constitution GK Questions

No.-1.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Fundamental Rights –

Ans:- USA

No.-2.  In which amendment did the Preamble amended –

Ans:- 42nd  amendment

No.-3.  From Which country India Borrowed Written Constitution –

Ans:- America (USA)

No.-4.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Supreme Court –

Ans:- America (USA)

No.-5.  In which amendment did the voting age is lowered form 21 to 18 –

Ans:- 61st amendment (1989)

No.-6.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Federal System –

Ans:- Canada

No.-7.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Union – State List –

Ans:- Canada

No.-8. Which amendment is known as Mini constitution –

Ans:- 42nd amendment (1976)

No.-9.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Election Commission –

Ans:- Britain

No.-10.  ‘Right to Equality’ is guaranteed to the citizens of India under Article –

Ans:- Article 14

No.-11.  Fundamental Right are granted to citizens under which Article –

Ans:- Article 12 to 35

No.-12.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Parliamentary Election –

Ans:- Britain

No.-13.  Which article deals with Right to elementary Education –

Ans:- Article 21 A

No.-14. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Speaker in Lok Sabha –

Ans:- Britain

No.-15.  Which one is the Article that provides special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir –

Ans:- Article 370

No.-16.  From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Preamble –

Ans:- America

No.-17.  Which article has banned employment of children below the of 14 in hazardous industries and factories –

Ans:- Article 24

No.-18.  From Which country the  Indian Constitution Borrowed Amendment of the Constitution –

Ans:- South Africa

No.-19.  Which amendment lead to the creation of Panchayat Raj –

Ans:- 73 st amendment (1992)

No.-20.  In which amendment did Right to property is removed from the Fundamental Rights –

Ans:- 44th amendment (1978)

Multiple Choice Question

No.-21.  Article 44 is related to-

No.-1. Uniform civil code for citizens,

No.-2. Provision of early childhood care and education to children below the age of 6 years,

No.-3. Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition,

No.-4. Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry

Ans:- 1

No.-22.  Which article is related to Special Address by the president-

No.-1. Article 84,

No.-2. Article 85,

No.-3. Article 86,

No.-4. Article 87

Ans:- 4

No.-23.  Which article is related to Assent to Bills-

No.-1. Article 98,

No.-2. Article 111,

No.-3. Article 112,

No.-4. Article 114

Ans:- 2

No.-24.  Which Article is for “Protection of interests of Minorities”-

No.-1. Article 26,

No.-2. Article 27,

No.-3. Article 29,

No.-4. Article 30

Ans:- 3

No.-25.  A bill which contains only provisions dealing with the imposition, repeal, remission, alteration or regulation of taxes is called-

No.-1. Locus Standi,

No.-2. Money Bill,

No.-3. Motion,

No.-4. Ordinanace

Ans:- 2

No.-26.  Who was India’s Constitutional Advisor-

No.-1. B L Mitter,

No.-2. K M Munshi,

No.-3. B N Rao,

No.-4. A K Iyer

Ans:- 3

No.-27.  Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten Copy of the Constitution-

No.-1. Mihir Sen,

No.-2. S.N. Banerji,

No.-3. Mukesh Bandhopadhyaya,

No.-4. Nandalal Bose

Ans: 4

No.-28.  Which article is related to “Equal Justice and free legal aid”-

No.-1. Article 39,

No.-2. Article 39 A,

No.-3. Article 43,

No.-4. Article 43 A

Ans:- 2

No.-29.  In which Constitutional Amendment Act Goa was made a full fledged State with a State assembly-

No.-1. 43rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1977,

No.-2. 44th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1978,

No.-3. 56th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987,

No.-4. 57th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987

Ans:- 3

No.-30.  In which Constitutional Amendment Act An authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi was provided to the people of India by the President-

No.-1. 57th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987,

No.-2. 58th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987,

No.-3. 59th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988,

No.-4. 61st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988

Ans:- 2

No.-31.  Which Constitutional Amendment Act, provided reservation in admissions in private unaided educational institutions for students belonging to scheduled castes/tribes and other backward classes-

No.-1. 92nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003,

No.-2. 93rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2005,

No.-3. 94th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2006,

No.-4. 95th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2009

Ans:- 2

No.-32.  The Constitution of India is the lengthiest of all Constitutions of the world-

No.-1. True,

No.-2. False

No.-Ans:- 1

No.-33.  How many articles were there originally in Constitution of India-

No.-1. 395,

No.-2. 397,

No.-3. 403,

No.-4. 410

Ans:- 1

No.-34.  The speaker can ask a member of the house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This is known as-

No.-1. Crossing the floor,

No.-2. Yielding the floor,

No.-3.Obeying the rule,

No.-4. Rotating the floor

Ans:- 2

No.-35.  Which of the following is not a constitutional body-

No.-1. Election Commission,

No.-2. Inter State Council,

No.-3. National Advisory Council,

No.-4. None of above.

Ans:- 3

No.-36.  Which Article of the constitution empowers the Parliament to form a new state by altering the boundaries of existing states-

No.-1. Article 1,

No.-2. Article 2,

No.-3. Article 3,

No.-4. Article 4

Ans:- 3

No.-37.  Nagaland was created as a separate state in the year-

No.-1. 1960,

No.-2. 1961,

No.-3. 1962,

No.-4. 1963

Ans:- 3

No.-38.  Punjab was divided into Punjab and Haryana in the year-

No.-1. 1966,

No.-2. 1967,

No.-3. 1968,

No.-4. 1969

Ans:- 1

No.-39.  Chhattisgarh came into existence on-

No.-1. 1st November, 2000,

No.-2. 1st November, 2001,

No.-3. 1st November, 2002,

No.-4. 1st November, 2003

Ans:- 1

No.-40.  Uttarakhand came into existence on-

No.-1. 1st November, 2000,

No.-2. 4th November, 2000,

No.-3. 7th November, 2000,

No.-4. 8th November, 2000

Ans:- 4

No.-41. State of Jharkhand was established on-

No.-1. 15th November, 2000,

No.-2. 16th November, 2000,

No.-3. 17th November, 2000,

No.-4. 18th November, 2000

Ans:- 1

No.-42.  Which among the following is not among six fundamental rights provided by Constitution-

No.-1. Right to equality,

No.-2. Right to Protest,

No.-3. Right against exploitation,

No.-4. Right to freedom of religion

Ans:- 2

No.-43.  Which Article ensures abolition of Untouchability-

No.-1. Article 16,

No.-2. Article 17,

No.-3. Article 18,

No.-4. Article 19

No.-Ans:- 2

No.-44.  Which article ensures Abolition of Titles-

No.-1. Article 16,

No.-2. Article 17,

No.-3. Article 18,

No.-4. Article 19

Ans:- 3

No.-45.  Article 19 provides six freedoms, which is not among them-

No.-1. Freedom of speech and expression,

No.-2. Assemble peacefully and without arms,

No.-3. Form associations or unions,

No.-4. Reside and settle in any part of your state only

Ans:- 4

No.-46.  When Right to Information Act came into force in India-

No.-1. 10th October 2005,

No.-2. 11th October 2005,

No.-3. 12th October 2005,

No.-4. 13th October 2005

Ans:- 3

No.-47.  What is the minimum age required to be the President of India-

No.-1. 35 Years,

No.-2. 37 years,

No.-3. 38 Years,

No.-4. 40 Years

Ans:- 1

No.-48.  Who was the First President of India-

No.-1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad,

No.-2. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan,

No.-3. Dr. Zakir Hussain,

No.-4. Sri. V.V. Giri

Ans:- 1

No.-49.  Who appoints Comptroller and Auditor General-

No.-1. Prime Minister,

No.-2. Lok Sabha,

No.-3. Rajya Sabha,

No.-4. President

Ans:- 4

No.-50. The term of Comptroller and Auditor-General is of-

No.-1. 4 Years,

No.-2. 5 years,

No.-3. 6 Years,

No.-4. Not fixed

Ans:- 3

Constitution GK Questions

Important Questions Indian Constitution

No.-1.  The National Development Council gets its administrative support from-

(a) Planning Commission,

(b) Finance Commission,

(C) Administrative Reforms Commission,

(d) Sarkaria Commission

Ans:- Planning Commission.

No.-2.  For internal financing of Five Year Plans, the government depends on-

(a) Taxation only,

(b) Taxation and public borrowing,

(c) Public borrowing and deficit financing,

(d) Taxation, public borrowing & deficit financing

Ans:- Taxation, public borrowing & deficit financing.

No.-3.  National Development Council was set up in-

(a) 1948,

(b) 1950,

(c) 1951,

(d) 1952

Ans:- 1952.

No.-4.  The Gandhian economy was based on the principle of-

(a) State Control,

(b) Competition,

(c) Trusteeship,

(d) Rural cooperation

Ans:- Trusteeship.

No.-5.  Planning in India derives its objectives from-

(a) Fundamental Rights,

(b) Directive Principles of State policy,

(c) Fundamental Duties,

(d) Preamble

Ans:- Directive Principles of State policy.

No.-6.  The main objective of First Five Year Plan was-

(a) Industrial growth,

(b) Economic growth,

(c) Development of agriculture including irrigation and power projects,

(d) Self reliance

Ans:- Development of agriculture including irrigation and power projects.

No.-7.  Economic planning is an essential feature of-

(a) Dual economy,

(b) Mixed economy,

(c) Capitalist economy,

(d) Socialist economy

Ans:- Socialist economy.

No.-8.  The steel plants at Durgapur, Bhilai and Rourkela were established during the period of-

(a) First Five Year Plan,

(b) Second Five Year Plan,

(c) Third Five Year Plan,

(d) Fourth Five Year Plan

Ans:- Second Five Year Plan.

No.-9.  Attainment of economic self reliance and removal of poverty were the main objectives of-

(a) First Five Year Plan,

(b) Fourth Five Year Plan,

(c) Fifth Five Year Plan,

(d) Sixth Five Year Plan

Ans:- Fifth Five Year Plan.

No.-10.  Which of the following Five Year Plans was terminated one year before its completion-

(a) Second,

(b) Third,

(c) Fourth,

(d) Fifth

Ans:- Fourth.

No.-11.  According to the Tenth Plan targets, the infant mortality rate (IMR) is to be reduced (by 2007) to (number per 1000 live births)-

(a) 65,

(b) 55,

(c) 45,

(d) 35

Ans:- 45.

No.-12.  In which of the Five Year Plans, preference was given to the weaker sections of the society-

(a) Second,

(b) Third,

(c) Fourth,

(d) Fifth

Ans:- Fifth.

No.-13.  The main model that formed the basis of the strategy of the Second Five Year Plan was formulated by-

(a) V.K. R.V. Rao,

(b) PC. Mahalonobis,

(c) Dr.Gadgil,

(d) P.R.Brahamandas

Ans:- PC. Mahalonobis.

No.-14.  The Five Year Plans of India intend to develop the country industrially through-

(a) The public sector,

(b) The private sector,

(c) The public, private, joint and Cooperative sectors,

(d) Increasing collaboration with non resident Indians

Ans:- The public, private, joint and Cooperative sectors.

No.-15.  Which of the following gives an accurate measurement of economic development through Five Year Plans-

(a) Development of education and health services,

(b) Development of railways and roadways,

(c) Rise in national income and per capita income,

(d) Development of industrial towns and industrial estates.

Ans:- Rise in national income and per capita income.

No.-16.  During the Eighth Five Year Plan, India registered the highest annual growth rate of-

(a) 7.2%,

(b) 6.8%,

(c) 5.6%,

(d) 4.5%

Ans:- 6.8%.

No.-17. The concept of Five Year Plans in India was introduced by-

(a) Lord Mountbatten,

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru,

(c) Indira Gandhi,

(d) Lal Bahadur Shastri

Ans:- Jawaharlal Nehru.

No.-18.  Planning in India as it is at present can be termed as-

(a) State Planning,

(b) Centralized Planning,

(c) Decentralized Planning,

(d) Indicative Planning

Ans:- Centralized Planning.

No.-19.  Which of the following Five Year Plans registered the maximum growth rate-

(a) First Five – Year Plan,

(b) Second Five – Year Plan,

(c) Fourth Five – Year Plan,

(d) Seventh Five – Year Plan

Ans:- Seventh Five – Year Plan.

No.-20.  The Eighth Five Year Plan gave priority to-

(a) Industrial growth,

(b) Promotion of exports,

(c) Increasing agricultural productivity,

(d) Employment generation

Ans:- Employment generation.

Indian Constitution Question Answer Multiple Choice Questions Answers

No.-1.  What is the special Constitutional position of Jammu and Kashmir ?

(a) Indian laws are not applicable.

(b) It is above Indian Constitution.

(c) It is not of the integral parts of Indian Union.

(d) It has its own Constitution

Answer: D

No.-2. Under the writ of Mandamus, the Court can-

(a) Ask the person to be produced.

(b) Order to transfer the case from one court.

(c) Ask to let a person free for a temporary period.

(d) Direct the Government to do or not to do a thing

Answer: D

No.-3.  The Constitution gives the powers of superintendence over all sub-ordinate courts to the High Courts under Article-

(a) 229

(b) 227

(c) 226

(d) 228

Answer: B

No.-4.  Who presided over the inaugural meeting of the Constituent Asembly of India ?

(a) Sachchidananda Sinha.

(b) P. Upendra.

(c) B.R. Ambedkar.

(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer: A

No.-5.  On whose recommendation was the Constituent Assembly formed ?

(a) Cabinet Mission Plan.

(b) Govt. of India Act, 1935.

(c) Mountbatten Plan.

(d) Cripp’s Mission

Answer: A

No.-6. The first session of the Constituent Assembly was held in-

(a) Bombay.

(b) Lahore.

(c) Calcutta.

(d) New Delhi

Answer: D

No.-7.  Which of the following Acts gave representation to the Indians for the first time in legislation ?

(a) Indian Councils Act, 1919.

(b) Govt. of India Act, 1935.

(c) Indian Councils Act, 1909.

(d) Govt of India Act, 1919

Answer: B

No.-8.  Cognizable offence refers to an offence where-

(a) Arrests can be made without warrant.

(b) Police can register a case without formal complaints.

(c) Arrests can be made with warrant.

(d) It is under the jurisdiction of a court

Answer: B

No.-9.  Which of the following was adopted from the Maurya dynasty in the emblem of Government of India ?

(a) Horse.

(b) Words Satyameva Jayate.

(c) Four lions.

(d) Chariot Wheel

Answer: C

No.-10.  Appointment of officers and servants of a High Court are made by the-

(a) None of these.

(b) Chief Justice of the High Court.

(c) President.

(d) Governor

Answer: B

No.-11. The idea of the Constitution of India was first of all given by-

(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru.

(c) Shri M.N. Roy.

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: C

No.-12.  The Constitution of India was promulgated on January 26, 1950 because-

(a) It was an auspicious day.

(b) This day was being celebrated as the Independence Day since 1929.

(c) It was the wish of the farmers of the Constitution.

(d) The British did not want to leave India earlier than this date

Answer: B

No.-13.  Which High Court has jurisdiction over the state of Arunachal Pradesh ?

(a) Guwahati.

(b) Chandigarh.

(c) Bombay.

(d) Calcutta

Answer: A

No.-14.  The members of the Constituent Assembly were-

(a) Elected by Provincial Assemblies.

(b) Only representatives of the princely states.

(c) Elected directly by people.

(d) Nominated by the government

Answer: A

No.-15.  Which one of the following comes under the jurisdiction of both the High Court and the Supreme Court ?

(a) Disputes between the Centre and the States.

(b) Protection against the violation of the Constitution.

(c) Protection of the Fundamental Rights.

(d) None of these

Answer: B

No.-16. The Constitution of India was adopted by the-

(a) Parliament of India.

(b) Constituent Assembly.

(c) Governor General.

(d) British Parliament

Answer: B

No.-17. The Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court are appointed by the-

(a) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

(b) Chief Minister of the concerned state.

(c) Governor of the concerned state.

(d) President

Answer: D

No.-18.  How long did the Constituent Assembly take to finally pass the Constitution?

(a) About 6 months in 1949.

(b) About 2 years since Aug 15, 1947.

(c) Exactly a year since Nov 26, 1948.

(d) About 3 years since Dec 9, 1946

Answer: D

No.-19. Judicial Review signifies that the Supreme Court-

(a) Can impeach the President.

(b) Can declare a state law as unconstitutional.

(c) Can review cases decided by the High Courts.

(d) Has final authority over all cases

Answer: C

No.-20.  The office of Governor General of India was created by-

(a) Government of India Act, 1935.

(b) Charter Act, 1833.

(c) Charter Act, 1813.

(d) Governor of India Act, 1858

Answer: B

No.-21.  The age of retirement of the Judges of the High Court is-

(a) 62 years.

(b) 60 years.

(c) 65 years.

(d) 58 years

Answer: A

No.-22. The Indian Constitution was enforced on-

(a) 15th Aug, 1947.

(b) 26th Nov, 1949.

(c) 26th Jan, 1950.

(d) 30th Jan, 1950

Answer: C

No.-23.  Who was the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly ?

(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

(b) C. Rajagopalachari.

(c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Answer: A

No.-24.  The total number of High Courts in India at present is-

(a) 15

(b) 24

(c) 16

(d) 18

Answer: B

No.-25.  Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court are drawn from the-

(a) Grants-in-aid.

(b) Public Accounts.

(c) Contingency Fund.

(d) Consolidated Fund

Answer: D

No.-26.  When did Mr. Attlee, Prime Minister of England, announce the transfer of power to the Indians ?

(a) February, 1947.

(b) June, 1949.

(c) August, 1947.

(d) June, 1948

Answer: D

No.-27.  The Constituent Assembly was created by-

(a) Simla Confrence, 1945.

(b) Cripps Mission.

(c) Indian Independence Act.

(d) Cabinet Mission Plan

Answer: D

No.-28.  Which is the highest and final judicial tribunal in respect of the Constitution of India ?

(a) President.

(b) Union Cabinet.

(c) Supreme Court.

(d) Parliament

Answer: C

No.-29.  A Judge of the Supreme Court of India is to hold office until he attains the age of-

(a) 58 years.

(b) 62 years.

(c) 60 years.

(d) 65 years

Answer: D

No.-30.  The Constitution names our country as-

(a) Bharat.

(b) Aryavarta.

(c) Hindustan.

(d) India, that is Bharat

Answer: D

No.-31.  Which of the following writs may be issued to enforce a Fundamental Right ?

(a) Certiorari.

(b) Habeas Corpus.

(c) Mandamus.

(d) Prohibition

Answer: B

No.-32.  The demand for the Constituent Assembly was put forward by the Indian National Congress in 1936 at its session held at-

(a) Kanpur.

(b) Lahore.

(c) Bombay.

(d) Fezpur

Answer: D

No.-33.  Which of the following is an extensive original jurisdiction given by the Constitution of India to the Supreme Court ?

(a) Enforcement of Fundamental Rights.

(b) Advising the Chief Executive in legal matters.

(c) Hearing revenue cases of appeal.

(d) Hearing criminal cases of appeal

Answer: A

No.-34.  A constitution is-

(a) A set of ordinary laws.

(b) A set of financial laws.

(c) A set of official laws.

(d) The basic structure defining the powers of the state and the rights and duties of the citizens.

Answer: D

No.-35.  In whom are the powers of Judicial Review vested in India ?

(a) All the courts.

(b) Supreme Court and all the High Courts.

(c) President.

(d) Parliament

Answer: B

No.-36. The Cabinet Mission to India was headed by-

(a) Stafford Cripps.

(b) Hugh Gaitskell.

(c) A.V. Alexander.

(d) Lord Pethick Lawrence

Answer: D

No.-37.  The authority competent to suspend the operation of Fundamental Rights guaranteed under the Constitution of India is-

(a) Supreme Court.

(b) Prime Minister.

(c) Parliament.

(d) President

Answer: D

No.-38. The President of India referred the Ayodhya issue to the Supreme Court of India under which Article ?

(a) 143

(b) 132

(c) 138

(d) 136

Answer: A

No.-39.  Cripps Mission visited India in-

(a) 1927

(b) 1946

(c) 1939

(d) 1942

Answer: D

No.-40. The state of Bombay was bifurcated into Maharashtra and Gujarat on May 1, in the year?

(a) 1959

(b) 1962

(c) 1960

(d) 1958

Answer: C

No.-41. Which of the following High Courts covers more than one State/ Union Territories?

(a) Allahabad.

(b) None of these.

(c) Guwahati.

(d) Delhi

Answer: C

No.-42.  Which of the following rights was described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as The Heart and soul of the Constitution?

(a) Right to Equality.

(b) Right to Constitutional Remedies.

(c) Right to Freedom of Religion.

(d) Right to Property

Answer: B

No.-43.  The Judges of the Supreme Court can be removed from office by the-

(a) President on request of Parliament.

(b) Chief Justice of India.

(c) President.

(d) Prime Minister

Answer: A

No.-44.  Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution ?

(a) B.R. Ambedkar.

(b) Mahatma Gandhi.

(c) B.N. Rao.

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: D

No.-45. Which of the following writs is a bulwark of personal freedom ?

(a) Certiorari.

(b) Habeas Corpus.

(c) Mandamus.

(d) Quo Warranto

Answer: B

No.-46.  Who was the first speaker of the Lok Sabha ?

(a) P. Upendra.

(b) Hukam Singh.

(c) Anantha Sayanam Ayyanagar.

(d) Malvankar

Answer: D

No.-47. Who decides the number of Judges in a High Court ?

(a) Governor of the State.

(b) Parliament.

(c) President.

(d) State Government

Answer: C

No.-48.  Which of the following is correct regarding the Indian Constitution ?

(a) It is completely based on British Constitution.

(b) It is original.

(c) It is made only on the basis of Government of India Act, 1935.

(d) It is a mixture of several Constitutions.

Answer: D

No.-49.  The first state to become bifurcated after independence was-

(a) Punjab.

(b) Assam.

(c) Bombay.

(d) Bengal

Answer: C

No.-50.  Which of the following Union Territories attained statehood in February, 1987 ?

(a) Arunachal Pradesh.

(b) Daman and Diu.

(c) Goa.

(d) Pondicherry

Answer: A

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