Math Quiz Questions Answers - SSC NOTES PDF
Math Quiz Questions Answers

Math Quiz Questions Answers

Math Quiz Questions Answers:-There is nothing like hard math problems or tricky maths questions, it’s just that you haven’t explored mathematics well enough to comprehend its easiness and relatability. Maths tricky questions and answers can be transformed into fun math problems if you look at it as if it is a brainstorming session. With the right attitude and friends and teachers, doing math can be most entertaining and delightful.

Math Quiz Questions Answers

No.-1. Who wrote the first textbook in Differential calculus?

Answer: Guillaume de l’Hôpital.

No.-2. Some staircases are in the form of a:

Answer: Spiral.

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No.-3. Who is the author of “The Fractal Geometry of Nature”, an important contribution to understanding form and complexity in the physical universe?

Answer: Benoit Mandelbrot.

No.-4. When did Al-Khwarizmi write the popular book which introduced Indian numbers and zero to the Arab world?

Answer: A.D. 820.

No.-5. Who wrote the classic “The Paradoxes of the Infinite”?

Answer: Bernard Bolzano.

No.-6. Our measurement of time is based on:

Answer: Sexagesimal number system.

No.-7. Who wrote “Liber Abaci” which introduced the Indian number system and zero to Europe?

Answer: Fibonacci.

No.-8. When were Indian mathematicians leaders in the world of mathematics?

Answer: 6″‘ to 10th century.

No.-9. Which mathematician wrote “Discourse on Method” in bed when he was hardly 16 years old and had studied mathematics for a few months only?

Answer: René Descartes.

No.-10. The thread of a bolt is in the form of a:

Answer: Circular helix.

No.-11. Who wrote the classic “On Growth and Form” a mathematical treatment of natural history?

Answer: D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson.

No.-12. When did the first printed book on mathematics appear?

Answer: 1478.

No.-13. Who wrote the popular ‘One, Two, Three Infinity’, a book on numbers and their relationship with the cosmos?

Answer: George Gamow.

No.-14. What is the number which may vary from time to time, does not leave one till one has finished studies?

Answer: Roll number.

No.-15. Who is the author of “Mathematical Ideas, Their Nature and Use”?

Answer: Jagjit Singh.

General Mathematics Quizzes

No.-16. When was the problem of “Seven Bridges of Konigsberg” posed?

Answer: 1736.

No.-17. Who wrote the mathematical masterpiece “Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid”?

Answer: Douglas Hofstadter.

No.-18. Which household gadget occasionally operates on a special sequence of number?

Answer: Lock (It is called a ‘combination lock’..

No.-19. Who discovered the oldest document on Mathematics?

Answer: Alexander Henry Rhind.

No.-20. When was the “Four color conjecture” every map on a flat surface or a sphere can be cultured without using more than four different colors – proved?

Answer: 1976.

No.-21. This mathematician’s original work on geometry was ignored in his lifetime and was recognized as a masterpiece two centuries later when a handmade copy of his printed work was accidentally discovered among his pupil’s papers. Who was he?

Answer: Girard Desargues.

No.-22. Every day one follows the numbers of this table. What is it?

Answer: Calendar.

No.-23. Who wrote the witty and amusing book “A Budget of Paradoxes”?

Answer: Augustus De Morgan.

No.-24. When this book was published, a timorous editor added a note claiming that the author had forwarded the revolutionary theory mentioned in it as a mathematical convenience and not as reality. Which is that book?

Answer: De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.

No.-25. Who is the author of the classic ‘Men of Mathematics”?

Answer: Eric Temple Bell.

Mathematics Quiz

No.-26. Sugar is occasionally served in the form of a:

Answer: Cube.

No.-27. When this book was published, a timorous editor added a note claiming that the author had forwarded the revolutionary theory mentioned in it as a mathematical convenience and not as reality. Which is that book?

Answer: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium.

No.-28. Which book became popular as “The Red Monster” among not only mathematicians but also physicists, engineers, statisticians, etc. as a handy reference?

Answer: The Handbook of Mathematical Functions.

No.-29. Which book became popular as “The Red Monster” among not only mathematicians but also physicists, engineers, statisticians etc, as a handy reference?

Answer: The Handbook of Mathematical Functions.

No.-30. What is the Christmas Star known as?

Answer: Dodecagon.

No.-31. Who wrote the classic “On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem” that dealt with logic in calculations?

Answer: Alan Turing.

No.-32. “Epicycles” were employed to explain the orbits of planets and the sun around the earth in the theory of the universe forwarded by:

Answer: Claudius Ptolemy.

No.-33. “Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of wealth” is the first systematic treatise on the application of mathematics to economics. Who wrote it?

Answer: Antoine Augustin Cournot.

No.-34. One’s score in an I.Q test is known as ones:

Answer: Intelligence quotient.

No.-35. Who wrote the classic entertainer “Mathematical Recreations and Essays”?

Answer: W. W. Rouse Ball.

No.-36. “Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of wealth” is the first systematic treatise on the application of mathematics to economics. Who wrote it?

Answer: Augustin Cournot.

Quiz of Mathematics

No.-37. Who wrote the first systematic text on trigonometry?

Answer: Johannes Peter Müller.

No.-38. When we have to go by bus, we remember this number:

Answer: Transport number.

No.-39.Who wrote the classic “Logic Machines and Diagrams”?

Answer: Martina Gardner.

No.-40. Who wrote the classic entertainer “Mathematical Recreations and Essays”?

Answer: W. Rouse Ball.

No.-41. Who is the author of “Mathematics for the Million”, a lucidly written book giving the origins and fundamentals of mathematics?

Answer: Lancelot Hogben.

No.-42. What is brick called in geometrical terms?

Answer: Cuboid.

No.-43. Who wrote the classic “Proofs and Refutations” in which he argued that mathematics is not infallible and is subject to correction and criticism?

Answer: Imre Lakatos.

No.-44. Who wrote the first systematic text on trigonometry?

Answer: Johannes Muller.

No.-45. Who wrote the quaint book “Sand Reckoner” in which the universe was considered to be made up of sand grains and their count was made?

Answer: Archimedes.

No.-46. When numbers are assigned to a person on the basis of his performance in studies, they become:

Answer: Marks.

No.-47. Who wrote, “The Analyst” which attacked the then newly conceived calculas invented by Isaac Newton?

Answer: George Berkeley.

No.-48. Who wrote the classic “Logic Machines and Diagrams”?

Answer: Martina Gardner.

No.-49. This book was used as a school textbook in Persia for hundreds of years. Which is that book?

Answer: The Algebra of Omar Khayyam.

No.-50. This measuring device is often misused. What is it?

Answer: Foot-rule (It is often employed to beat students).

Quiz Question of Maths

No.-51. Which journal gives an up-to-date information on the current world literature in mathematics especially for researchers?

Answer: Mathematical Reviews.

No.-52. Who is the author of “Mathematics for the Million”, a lucidly written book giving the origins and fundamentals of mathematics?

Answer: Lancelot Hogben.

No.-53. ‘Lady Luck’ is the title of a popular science book on:

Answer: The theory of probability.

No.-54. A pencil is often in the form of a:

Answer: Cylinder (Pencils are also in the form of hexagonal and triangular prisms..

No.-55. The oldest journal devoted chiefly to advanced mathematics is:

Answer: Journal de l’École polytechnique.

No.-56. Who wrote the classic “Proofs and Refutations” in which he argued that mathematics is not infallible and is subject to correction and criticism?

Answer: Imre Lakatos.

No.-57. Which is the most unreadable mathematical classic?

Answer: Principia Mathematica.

No.-58. When we enter a foreign country, this number is essential:

Answer: Passport number.

No.-59. The ratio of the width of a TV picture to the height is known as “aspect ratio”. What is it?

Answer: 4:3.

No.-60. Who wrote the quaint book “Sand Reckoner” in which the universe was considered to be made up of sand grains and their count was made?

Answer: Archimedes.

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Important MCQ’s

Que.-1.सौर मंडल की खोज किसने किया था ?

(a) पाइथागोरस

(b) आर्यभट्ट

(c) मैगलन

(d) कॉपरनिक्स

Ans   (d) कॉपरनिक्स

Que.-2.रतौंधी किसकी कमी के कारण होती है ?

(a) विटामिन-A

(b) विटामिन-B

(c) विटामिन-C

(d) विटामिन-D

Ans   (a) विटामिन-A

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