Simple Present Tense की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एक नजर में
Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense:- The Simple Present is a verb tense with two main uses. In English Grammar, we use present tense to talk about something that is going on now(currently) or that is true now and at any time. In other words, we use present tense to describe an event in real-time, i.e. happening at that very moment. Let us learn more about the present tense and its types. we share Simple Present Tense की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एक नजर में.

Uses of Simple Present Tense 

No.-1. To express facts, general statements of truth, and common-sense ideas that everybody knows.
No.-2. To describe future plans and events.
No.-3. To tell jokes, stories, and relate sporting events in real-time.
No.-4. To state habits, customs, and events that happen periodically.
The third-person singular is formed using the following rules that must be memorized:
No.-1. To most regular verbs, add an s’ at the end.
No.-2. To verbs that end in y’, drop the y’ and add ies’
No.-3. To verbs that end in s’, ss’, sh’, ch’, th’, x’, z’, or o’, add an es’.
The simple present tense can be combined with several expressions, such as “every Tuesday”, “always”, “usually”, “twice a month”, etc…Additionally, this form can be made negative or can be used in the interrogative form as well.

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The simple present tense is used

No.-1. To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes:
I smoke (habit); I work in London (unchanging situation); London is a large city (general truth)
No.-2. To give instructions or directions:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
No.-3. To express fixed arrangements, present or future:
Your exam starts at 09.00
No.-4. To express future time, after some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until:
He’ll give it to you when you come next Saturday.

Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense uses the same verb form as the root form of the verb. We use the simple present tense in the following conditions:
No.-1. To show a fact or something that is always true
No.-2. For activities that we do daily -regularly or habitually
No.-3. To express thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs
No.-4. For a planned action or an event that will happen in the future
No.-5. We use this tense with a few adverbs to indicate something that happens rarely
No.-6. We use it in news, reported speech such as in sports commentaries, a narration of books and stories etc
No.-7. For schedules, plans and programmes
No.-8. To give instructions

Example of Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense Example For habits
No.-1. He drinks tea at Evening.
No.-2. She only eats fish.
No.-3. They watch television regularly.

Simple Present Tense Example For repeated actions or events

No.-1. We catch the bus every morning.
No.-2. It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
No.-3. They drive to Monaco every summer.

Simple Present Tense Example For general truths

No.-1. Water freezes at zero degrees.
No.-2. The Earth revolves around the Sun.
No.-3. Her mother is Peruvian.

Simple Present Tense Example For instructions or directions

No.-1. Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
No.-2. You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford.

Simple Present Tense Example For fixed arrangements

No.-1. His mother arrives tomorrow.
No.-2. Our holiday starts on the 26th March

Simple Present Tense Example With future constructions

No.-1. She’ll see you before she leaves.
No.-2. We’ll give it to her when she arrives.

Examples of the Simple Present Tense

base form or base form + “s”
No.-1 I play every Tuesday
No.-2. My family goes to France every summer.
No.-3. Between two evils, I always pick the one I have never tried before.
No.-4. Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement. (US President Ronald Reagan)
No.-5. I like the word indolence. It makes my laziness seem classy. (Philosopher Bernard Williams)
No.-6. I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Author Douglas Adams)
No.-7. I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn’t itch. (Comedian Gilda Radner)
No.-8. War does not determine who is right – only who is left. (Philosopher Bertrand Russell)

How to Form the Simple Present

In the simple present, most regular verbs use the root form, except in the third-person singular (which ends in -s).
No.-1. First-person singular: I write
No.-2. Second-person singular: You write
No.-3. Third-person singular: He/she/it writes (note the ‑s)
No.-1. First-person plural: We write
No.-2. Second-person plural: You write
No.-3. Third-person plural: They write
For a few verbs, the third-person singular ends with -es instead of -s. Typically, these are verbs whose root form ends in o, ch, sh, th, ss, gh, or z.
No.-1. First-person singular: I go
No.-2. Second-person singular: You go
No.-3. Third-person singular: He/she/it goes (note the ‑es)
No.-1. First-person plural: We go
No.-2. Second-person plural: You go
No.-3. Third-person plural: They go
For most regular verbs, you put the negation of the verb before the verb, e.g. “She won’t go” or “I don’t smell anything.”
The verb to be is irregular:
No.-1. First-person singular: I am
No.-2. Second-person singular: You are
No.-3. Third-person singular: He/she/it is
No.-1. First-person plural: We are
No.-2. Second-person plural: You are
No.-3. Third-person plural: They are

How to Make the Simple Present Negative

The formula for making a simple present verb negative is do/does + not + [root form of verb]. You can also use the contraction don’t or doesn’t instead of do not or does not.
No.-1. Pauline does not want to share the pie.
No.-2. She doesn’t think there is enough to go around.
No.-3.  Her friends do not agree.
No.-4. I don’t want pie anyway.
Common Verbs in the Simple Present

InfinitiveI, You, We, TheyHe, She, It
to askask / do not askasks / does not ask
to workwork / do not workworks / does not work
to callcall / do not callcalls / does not call
to useuse / do not useuses / does not use
to havehave / do not havehas / does not have

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