Rajasthan CET Notification, Exam Date, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, admit card - SSC NOTES PDF

Rajasthan CET Notification, Exam Date, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, admit card

Rajasthan CET 2022 Notification PDF | Syllabus |Common Eligibility Test | Application Form | Online Registration | Qualification | Age Limit | Latest News | Rajasthan CET Exam Date 2022 | Last Date.

Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2022: This is an official notification that Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2022 has been released. It is important for the candidates to get themselves well acquainted with the Rajasthan CET Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2022 and Exam Pattern is the key to unlocking the door of your preparation for the Rajasthan CET Exam. Rajasthan CET Graduate Level Syllabus 2022 will provide you with the direction in which you should be moving to strategize your preparation in the right direction.

Rajasthan CET 2022 Notification PDF Download

CET 2022 Notification: उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए सीधे लिंक से Rajasthan CET 2022 Notification PDF Download कर सकते हैं। राजस्थान सामान्य पात्रता परीक्षा 2022 की विस्तृत अधिसूचना आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है या आप नीचे दिए गए लिंक की जांच कर सकते हैं।

राजस्थान समान पात्रता परीक्षा (CET) 2022 किस किस पोस्ट पर लागू होंगे?

No.-1. राजस्थान समान पात्रता परीक्षा (CET) लगभग 15 से ज्यादा पदों पर लागू होंगे जिसकी जानकारी विस्तार से हमने नीचे बता दी गयी है।

Rajasthan CET 2022- Important Dates

राजस्थान सीईटी 2022 ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण प्रारंभ तिथि अन्य महत्वपूर्ण तिथियों के साथ जल्द ही अधिसूचित की जाएगी।

Online Registration Starting Date 22 September 2022
Online Registration Last Date 21 October 2022
CET Admit Card November 2022
Rajasthan CET Exam Date 2022December 2022
Result / Merit List release Date Notify Soon

About Rajasthan CET Admit Card 2022 :-

The candidates who applied Online for the Rajasthan Common Eligibility Test in RSMSSB are waiting for the Exam Dates and Admit Cards. Admit Card is a document which is used for the for the identification of the Person who is applying for the given posts. The Admit Card is issued by a Concerned Organization who is conducting any Exam or an Interview. Though, the Admit Cards are not released yet, but soon it will be release on the official website of RSMSSB. The Candidates can download their Admit Cards from the official website of RSMSSB or they can download the same from the link given below.

Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2022

Candidates should be well aware of Rajasthan CET Graduate Level Syllabus 2022 in detail for Rajasthan CET. Candidates can go through the table given below to get an overview of the Rajasthan CET Syllabus And Exam Pattern 2022.

Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2022: Overview
Organization NameRSMSSB
Postnon-gazetted non-technical posts
Category:Syllabus And Exam Pattern
Exam ModeOffline/(CBT)
Total number of questions150
Total marks300
Negative MarkingNo any
Official Websitehttps://rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan CET Exam Pattern 2022

No.-1. As  Rajasthan CET Notification 2022 for Graduate Level is out now, candidates must learn about the Rajasthan CET Exam Pattern 2022. The exam pattern details are as follows:

No.-1. The mode of Examination will be an Offline or Computer Based Test.

No.-2. There will be no negative marking.

No.-3. The exam time duration is 3 Hours.

No.-4. The exam pattern for Rajasthan CET Graduate Level is provided below:

Rajasthan CET Exam Pattern 2022

Rajasthan CET Exam Pattern 2022
TopicsNo. of Ques.Total MarksExam Duration
History of Rajasthan and India with special emphasis on Indian National Movement, History of Rajasthan, Art, Cultural, Literature, Tradition and Heritage, Geography of India, Geography of Rajasthan, Indian Political System with special emphasis on Rajasthan, Economy of India, Economics of Rajasthan, Science and Technology, Reasoning Reasoning and Mental Ability, General Hindi, General English, Knowledge of Computer, Current Events1503003 Hours

Rajasthan CET 2022 Syllabus

No.-1. The Rajasthan CET Graduate Level Syllabus 2022 has been provided in the table given below. One must take a note of the syllabus for their reference as and when required.

History of Rajasthan and India with Special Emphasis on Indian National MovementHistory, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan
Geography of IndiaGeography of Rajasthan
Indian political system with special emphasis on RajasthanEconomy of India, Economy of Rajasthan
science and technologyReasoning Reasoning and Mental Ability
 general hindi general English
computer knowledgecurrent events

Subject wise detailed syllabus has been provided here:

No.-1. History of Rajasthan and India with special emphasis on Indian National Movement  :

No.-2. Important Events in Indian History, Social and Religious Reform Movements in the 19th and 20th Centuries

No.-3. Indian independence movement – different stages, contributors from different regions of the country and their contribution

No.-4. Contribution of Rajasthan in the Revolt of 1857, Tribal and Peasant Movement in Rajasthan, Political Awareness and

No.-5. Prajamandal Movement Post-independence nation building- national integration and reorganization of states, institutional building in Nehru era, development of science and technology.

No.-6. History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan  :

No.-7. Ancient Civilizations, Kalibanga, Ahar, Ganeshwar, Balathal and Bairath:

No.-8. Important Historical Events in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, Their Administrative and Revenue System,

No.-9. Socio-Cultural Dimensions

No.-10. Salient Features of Architecture – Forts and Monuments, Arts, Paintings and Handicrafts

No.-11.  Important Works of Rajasthani Literature, Regional Dialects

No.-12. Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dance

No.-13. Rajasthani Culture, Tradition and Heritage

No.-14. Religious Movements, Saints and Folk Gods of Rajasthan

No.-15. important historical sites

No.-16. Major personalities of Rajasthan Unification of Rajasthan.

Geography of India :

No.-1. Physical Forms: Mountains, Plateaus, Deserts and Plains

No.-2. Climate and Monsoon System

No.-3. Major rivers, dams, lakes and oceans

Wildlife Sanctuary

No.-1. Major Crops – Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Sugarcane, Tea and Coffee

No.-2.  Major minerals – iron ore, manganese, bauxite and mica

No.-3. Energy Resources – Traditional and non-conventional major industries and industrial regions, National Highways, means of transport and trade

Geography of Rajasthan :

No.-1. Geologic Structure and Geomorphic Regions

No.-2. Climatic Conditions, Monsoon System and Climate Regions

No.-3. Drainage systems, lakes, oceans, dams and water conservation techniques

No.-4. natural vegetation

No.-5. Wildlife & Sanctuaries

No.-6. Soils

No.-7. Major Rabi and Kharif Crops Population Growth, Density, Literacy, and Sex Ratio

No.-8. major tribes

No.-9. Metallic and non-metallic minerals __ Energy resources – conventional and non-conventional

No.-10. tourist spot

No.-11. Means of Transport – National Highways, Rail and Aircraft

 Indian political system with special emphasis on Rajasthan:

No.-1. Nature of Indian Constitution, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional Amendment, Emergency Provisions, Public Interest Litigation.

No.-2. Constituent Assembly, Features of the Indian Constitution

No.-3. President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Parliament, Supreme Court

No.-4. Federal and State Executive, Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Chief Information Commissioner, Lokpal, National

No.-5. Human Rights Commission, Local Autonomous Government and Panchayati Raj.

No.-6. Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan, Governor, Chief Minister, State Legislative Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan Lok

No.-7. Service Commission, District Administration, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukta, State Election Commission, State Information Commission.

Economy of India :

No.-1. Basic knowledge of budget making, banking, public finance, goods and services tax, national income, growth and development

No.-2. Fiscal and Monetary Policies

No.-3. Subsidies, Public Distribution System


No.-1. अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रमुख क्षेत्र : कृषि, उद्योग, सेवा एवं व्यापार क्षेत्रों की वर्तमान स्थिति, मुद्दे एवं पहल ।

No.-2. हरित क्रान्ति, श्वेत क्रान्ति एवं नीली क्रान्ति।

No.-3. पंचवर्षीय योजनाएं एवं नियोजन प्रणाली।

No.-4. प्रमुख आर्थिक समस्याएं एवं सरकार की पहल, आर्थिक सुधार एवं उदारीकरण।

राजस्थान की अर्थव्यवस्था

No.-1. राजस्थान की खाद्य व व्यावसायिक फसले, कृषि आधारित उद्योग

No.-2. वृहद सिंचाई एवं नदी घाटी परियोजनायें, बंजड भूमि व सूखा क्षेत्र विकास परियोजनायें, इन्दिरा गांधी नहर परियोजना

No.-3. उद्योगों का विकास व उनका स्थान, कृषि आधारित उद्योग, खनिज आधारित उद्योग, लघु, कुटीर एवं ग्रामोद्योग, निर्यात

No.-4. सामग्री, राजस्थानी हस्तकला

No.-5. गरीबी एवं बेरोजगारी-अवधारणा, प्रकार, कारण, निदान एवं वर्तमान फ्लेगशिप योजनाए, सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता कमजोर वर्गों के लिए प्रावधान ।

No.-6. विभिन्नकल्याणकारी योजनायें, महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी अधिनियम (MNREGA), विकास संस्थायें, सहकारी आन्दोलन, लघु उद्यम एवं वित्तीय संस्थायें, संविधान के 73 वें संशोधन के अनुरूप पंचायती राज संस्थाओं की ग्रामीण विकास में भूमिका।

विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी :

No.-1. सूचना एवं संचार प्रौद्योगिकी

No.-2. रक्षा प्रौद्योगिकी, अंतरिक्ष प्रौद्योगिकी एवं उपग्रह

No.-3. विद्युत धारा, उष्मा, कार्य एवं ऊर्जा

No.-4. आहार एवं पोषण, रक्त समूह एवं RH कारक

No.-5. स्वास्थ्य देखभाल; संक्रामक, असंक्रामक एवं पशुजन्य रोग

No.-6. पर्यावरणीय एवं पारिस्थितिकीय परिवर्तन एवं इनके प्रभाव

No.-7. जैव-विविधता, प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का संरक्षण एवं संधारणीय विकास

No.-8. जन्तुओं एवं पादपों का आर्थिक महत्व

No.-9. कृषि विज्ञान, उद्यान-विज्ञान, वानिकी एवं पशुपालन राजस्थान के विशेष संदर्भ में

No.-10. विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विकास राजस्थान के विशेष संदर्भ में

No.-11. भौतिक एवं रासायनिक परिवर्तन

No.-12. अम्ल, क्षार एवं लवण, ब्लीचिंग पाउडर, खाने का सोडा, प्लास्टर ऑफ पेरिस, साबुन एवं अपमार्जक

तार्किक विवेचन एवं मानसिक योग्यता :

No.-1. Making series/analogy.

No.-2. Figure matrix questions, Classification.

No.-3. Alphabet test.

No.-4. Passage and conclusions

No.-5. Blood relations

No.-6. Coding-decoding

No.-7. Direction sense test

No.-8.  Sitting arrangement

No.-9. Input-output

No.-10. Number Ranking and Time Square

No.-11. Making judgments

No.-12. Logical arrangement of words

No.-13.  Inserting the missing character/number.

No.-14. Mathematical operations, average, ratio

No.-15. Area of Triangle, circle, Eclipse, Trapezium, rectangle, sphere, cylinder.

No.-16. Percentage.

No.-17. Simple and compound interest.

No.-18. Unitary Method.

No.-19. Profit & Loss.

No.-20. Average Ratio & Proportion.

No.-21. The volume of sphere, cylinder, cube, cone.

Language Knowledge :

No.-1. सामान्य हिन्दी

No.-2. संधि और संधि विच्छेद

No.-3. संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, क्रियाविशेषण, कारक, अव्यय

No.-4. समास, भेद, सामासिक पदों की रचना व विग्रह उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची एवं अनेकार्थक शब्द

No.-5. विरामचिह्न

No.-6. ध्वनि एवं उसका वर्गीकरण

No.-7. पारिभाषिकशब्दावली (अंग्रेजी भाषा के पारिभाषिक शब्दों के समानार्थक शब्द)

No.-8. शब्दशुद्धि (अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण) वाक्य शुद्धि (अशुद्ध वाक्यांश का शुद्धिकरण)

No.-9. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ

No.-10. राजभाषाहिन्दी – संवैधानिक स्थिति ।

No.-11. पत्र

No.-12. एवं उसके प्रकार – कार्यालयी पत्र के प्रारूप के विशेष सन्दर्भ में

Language Knowledge:

No.-1. General English

No.-2. Use of Articles and Determiners

No.-3. Tense/sequence of Tenses

No.-4. Voice: Active and Passive. Narration: Direct and Indirect

No.-5. Use of Prepositions,

No.-6. Translation of Ordinary/Common English sentences into Hindi and vice-versa

No.-7. Synonyms and Antonyms

No.-8. Comprehension of a given passage

No.-9. Glossary of official, Technical terms (with their Hindi version)

No.-10. Letter writing: Official, Demi-official, Circulars, and Notices.

No.-11. Idioms and Phrases

No.-12. One Word Substitution

Computer knowledge :

No.-1. Characteristics of Computers

No.-2. Computer organization including RAM, ROM, File System, Input Devices, Computer Software- Relationship between Hardware & Software.

No.-3. Operating System

No.-4. MS-Office (Exposure of word, Excel/Spread Sheet, Power Point)

No.-5. समसामयिक घटनाएं

No.-6. राजस्थान, भारतीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महत्व की प्रमुख समसामयिक घटनाएं एवं मुद्दे

No.-7. वर्तमान में चर्चित व्यक्ति, स्थान एवं संस्थाए

No.-8. खेल एवं खेलकूद संबंधी गतिविधियां

Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2022 – FAQs

No.-1.  Is computer knowledge important for the Rajasthan CET Recruitment 2022?

Ans. Yes Computer knowledge is important for Rajasthan CET Recruitment 2022.

No.-2.  What are important topics to cover for Rajasthan CET Recruitment 2022?

Ans. Detailed list of topics has been provided above.

No.-3.   Is history of Rajasthan is in Rajasthan CET syllabus 2022?

Ans. Yes, history of Rajasthan is in Rajasthan CET syllabus 2022.

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