Prehistoric Human Life Quiz Question - SSC NOTES PDF
Prehistoric Human Life Quiz Question

Prehistoric Human Life Quiz Question

Prehistoric Human Life Quiz Question:-History of humankind in the period before recorded history. The circumstances or developments leading up to or surrounding an event or situation; background: “[He] then told me the curious prehistory of his obsessive interest in the seduction theory” (Janet Malcol). we share about prehistoric human or  prehistoric human life  for Competitive exam. If you are searching prehistoric human migration Prehistoric Human Life Quiz Question then you are on a right web page.

Prehistoric Human Life Quiz Question

No.-1. What is called the ‘Ice Age?’
Answer: Huge sheets of ice moved down from the north and covered the earth’s surface.
No.-2. By what name the sub men were known?
Answer: Hominoids.
No.-3. The history of man is divided in to two broad divisions. What are they?
Answer: Prehistoric period and historic period.
No.-4. What is the Prehistoric period?
Answer: The prehistoric period refers to the period of human history before written records until now. Archaeological research shows that the earliest human activity occurred in Africa and Asia.
No.-5. What is a historic period?
Answer: The historic period refers to the period of human history after writing and the beginning of the existence of nation. According to the historical records, China was already a highly developed society at the time of Xia Dynasty.
No.-6. When was the Prehistoric period comes to an end?
Answer: Nearly by 3000 B.C.
No.-7. Where does the word Paleolithic derived from?
Answer: The term “Paleolithic” comes from Greek: ; paleo: , “old”; lithos: , “stone”; and -logia: . It was first introduced by archaeologist John Lubbock in 1865 as a refinement of the three-age system. It is not synonymous with Lower Paleolithic; that stage was called the Lower Paleolithic by older texts.
No.-8. By which name the Neolithic age is known?
Answer: New stone age.
No.-9. How did the Paleolithic men use stone as their implements?
Answer: Chipping stones.

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Prehistoric Human

No.-10. How early man made his first stone tools
Answer: The three main steps are
(a) selecting a candidate for a tool,
(b) shaping the stone to the chosen form and
(c) inflicting deliberate damage to detach blade-like flakes (knapped).
No.-11. Where did Paleolithic men live in the beginning?
Answer: On river banks in the open air.
No.-12. In the later Paleolithic period, what improvements did they make for their dwelling?
Answer: Lived in caves.
No.-13. How did the Paleolithic people clad?
Answer: Tree barks and animal skin. But often naked.
No.-14. How did the Paleolithic men disposed of their dead?
Answer: Left outside.
No.-15. What was the tool used by these early Paleolithic men?
Answer: Stone Tools
No.-16. Who was the best-known man during the Paleolithic age?
Answer: Neanderthal man.
No.-17. Where did the skeletons of Neanderthal man find out?
Answer: From Neander valley in Germany.
No.-18. What was the important discovery made by the Neanderthal man?
Answer: The use of fire.
No.-19. What kinds of tools were used by the Neanderthal man?
Answer: Knives, Spearheads, and throwing stones.
No.-20. How did they dispose of the dead?
Answer: They buried the dead.

Prehistoric Human History

No.-21. When did the Neanderthal man live?
Answer: Probably lived between about 130,000 and 40,000 years ago.
No.-22. What were all the qualities that the Neanderthal man did not have?
Answer: They cannot stand erect nor hold their heads straight and incapable of speech.
No.-23. From where did the Cro-Magnons come to Europe?
Answer: They might have come from North Africa or South Asia.
No.-24. The Cro-Magnons were superior to Neanderthals. What were the superior qualities they have?
Answer: They were more so near to modern man in shape. They were tall and erect and more civilized.
No.-25. The Cro-Magnons were more artistic. What was the proof for their artistic taste?
Answer: Pictures with many colors are still seen in the caves.
No.-26. How did the Cro-Magnons dispose of the dead?
Answer: They buried the dead in strongly built caves.
No.-27. Could the Cro-Magnons be able to speak?
Answer: They could speak.

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Important MCQ’s

Que.-1.शिवाजी का राज्याभिषेक 16 जून, 1674 ई. को किसके द्वारा किया गया था?

(a) स्वामी दयानंद

(b) गंगाभट्ट

(c) महेश मिश्र

(d) दयानन्द पाण्डे

Ans   (b) गंगाभट्ट

Que.-2.अशोक का उत्तराधिकारी कौन बना?

(a) कुणाल

(b) दशरथ

(c) जौलक

(d) वृहद्रथ

Ans   (a) कुणाल

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